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Shifting our fossil-fuelled civilisation to clean modes of production and consumption requires deep transformations in our energy and economic systems. Innovation in physical technologies and social behaviours is key to this transformation. But innovation has not been at the heart of economic models of climate change. This paper reviews the state of the art on the economics of innovation, applies recent insights to climate change. The core insight is that technological innovation is a path-dependent process in which history and expectations matter greatly in determining eventual outcomes 


Title Size Action
Better Growth, Better Climate: Executive Summary

460.21 KB

Daha İyi Büyüme, Daha İyi İklim: Yönetici Özeti

7.34 MB

Une Meilleure Croissance, Un Meilleur Climate: Executive Summary

705.66 KB

Besseres Wachstum, Besseres Klima: Zusammenfassung

725.84 KB

Mejor Crecimiento, Mejor Clima: Resumen Ejecutivo

324.68 KB

Crescita Migliore, Clima Migliore: Executive Summary

902.91 KB

Pertumbuhan Lebih Baik Iklim Lebih Baik: Ringkasan Eksekutif

859.04 KB

Title Size Action
新しい気候経済 統合報告書

7.68 MB

应对气候变化, 孕育经济增长: 统整报告

3.64 MB

Better Growth, Better Climate: Synthesis Report

3.54 MB


1.44 MB


2.8 MB


2.13 MB

Better Growth, Better Climate: Laporan Sintesis

3.48 MB

Mejor Crecimiento, Mejor Climate: Síntesis del informe

3 MB

Title Size Action
Global Report

10.28 MB

Overview — Strategic Context

3.31 MB

Chapter 2 — Cities

983.99 KB

Chapter 3 — Land Use

5.92 MB

Chapter 4 — Energy

2.24 MB

Chapter 5 — Economics of Change

1.04 MB

Chapter 6 — Finance

8.49 MB

Chapter 7 — Innovation

2.04 MB

Chapter 8 — International Cooperation

2.66 MB

Global Action Plan

111.69 KB

Title Size Action
China and the New Climate Economy: Executive Summary

2.55 MB

中国与 新气候经济

5.8 MB

Unlocking the power of Ethiopia’s cities

4.08 MB

India: Pathways to sustaining rapid development in a new climate economy

2.04 MB

Seeing Is Believing: Creating a New Climate Economy in the United States (Summary)

570.48 KB

Seeing Is Believing: Creating a New Climate Economy in the United States

3.54 MB

Title Size Action
Path Dependence, Innovation and the Economics of Climate Change

640.04 KB

Research Programme
Publication Type

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