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This paper conducts a comparative analysis of the results of five studies that examined the economic case for investment in low-carbon development in five cities: Leeds in the UK, Kolkata in India, Lima in Peru, Johor Bahru in Malaysia and Palembang in Indonesia. 


Title Size Action
Better Growth, Better Climate: Executive Summary

460.21 KB

Daha İyi Büyüme, Daha İyi İklim: Yönetici Özeti

7.34 MB

Une Meilleure Croissance, Un Meilleur Climate: Executive Summary

705.66 KB

Besseres Wachstum, Besseres Klima: Zusammenfassung

725.84 KB

Mejor Crecimiento, Mejor Clima: Resumen Ejecutivo

324.68 KB

Crescita Migliore, Clima Migliore: Executive Summary

902.91 KB

Pertumbuhan Lebih Baik Iklim Lebih Baik: Ringkasan Eksekutif

859.04 KB

Title Size Action
新しい気候経済 統合報告書

7.68 MB

应对气候变化, 孕育经济增长: 统整报告

3.64 MB

Better Growth, Better Climate: Synthesis Report

3.54 MB


1.44 MB


2.8 MB


2.13 MB

Better Growth, Better Climate: Laporan Sintesis

3.48 MB

Mejor Crecimiento, Mejor Climate: Síntesis del informe

3 MB

Title Size Action
Global Report

10.28 MB

Overview Strategic Context

3.31 MB

Chapter 2 Cities

983.99 KB

Chapter 3 Land Use

5.92 MB

Chapter 4 Energy

2.24 MB

Chapter 5 Economics of Change

1.04 MB

Chapter 6 Finance

8.49 MB

Chapter 7 Innovation

2.04 MB

Chapter 8 International Cooperation

2.66 MB

Global Action Plan

111.69 KB

Title Size Action
China and the New Climate Economy: Executive Summary

2.55 MB

中国与 新气候经济

5.8 MB

Unlocking the power of Ethiopia’s cities

4.08 MB

India: Pathways to sustaining rapid development in a new climate economy

2.04 MB

Seeing Is Believing: Creating a New Climate Economy in the United States (Summary)

570.48 KB

Seeing Is Believing: Creating a New Climate Economy in the United States

3.54 MB

Title Size Action

1.05 MB

Publication Type

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