October 1, 2014 | News Article | 
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Better Growth, Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Report received extensive coverage in print, online and in broadcast media. The following are some of the highlights of more than 1550 pieces worldwide across more than 10 languages.

Worldwide highlights

The Economist, Encouraging climate action: Try jam today


BBC, Climate change remedies 'affordable', says global bodyRoger Harrabin


Fortune, Why fighting climate change may help the economy, not hurt itMichael Casey


Bloomberg, Fight Against Climate Change Seen Driving Economic GrowthStefan Nicola


BusinessWeek, Saving the Planet From Global Warming—and Saving Money, Too?Peter Coy


The New York Times, Errors and Emissions Could Fighting Global Warming Be Cheap and Free?Paul Krugman


The New York Times, Fixing Climate Change May Add No Costs, Report SaysJustin Gillis


NPR, Calderon: End Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Create Carbon TaxRobert Siegel





UK Press:

BBC, Climate change remedies 'affordable', says global bodyRoger Harrabin, 


The Economist, Encouraging climate action: Try jam today


Financial TimesGrowth and fighting global climate change not incompatiblePilita Clarke


The Guardian, The UN climate change summit is a vital chance for the world to avoid catastropheBob Ward


The Guardian, The dilemma of growth: prosperity v economic expansionTim Jackson


The Guardian, Barack Obama welcomes report saying fighting climate change can be low costFiona Harvey


The Guardian, We can avoid climate change, and boost the world’s economy – if we act nowAngel Gurria and Nicholas Stern


Reuters, Slowing climate change makes economic sense; cities to lead-study, Alister Doyle and William Schomberg


New Scientist, Go low-carbon for the money, says high-profile reportFred Pearce




US press:

Bloomberg, Fight Against Climate Change Seen Driving Economic GrowthStefan Nicola


BusinessWeek, Saving the Planet From Global Warming—and Saving Money, Too?Peter Coy


CNN International, The economics of climate changePoppy Harlow, 


Fortune, Why fighting climate change may help the economy, not hurt itMichael Casey


Marketplace, Fighting global warming doesn't have to break the bank, Dan Weissmann


MSNBC, How the economy can help climate change


MSNBC, Exclusive: Chris Hayes speaks with Felipe CalderonChris Hayes


The New York Times, Errors and Emissions Could Fighting Global Warming Be Cheap and Free?Paul Krugman


The New York Times, Fixing Climate Change May Add No Costs, Report SaysJustin Gillis


NPR, Calderon: End Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Create Carbon TaxRobert Siegel


The Washington Post, How fighting climate change could save the planet AND rebuild the economyLori Montgomery


Business Insider, Slowing Climate Change Makes Economic Sense; Cities To Lead-study


The Huffington Post, A New Climate Economy Gives Hope to Millions of WorkersSharan Burrow


Mashable, This Is It: The Next 15 Years Will Seal the Fate of Earth's ClimateAndrew Freedman


National Geographic, Ahead of UN Climate Summit, Environmental Report Sees Economic OpportunitiesBrian Clark Howard


The New Republic, Acting Against Climate Change Won't Cost As Much As You ThinkRebecca Leber


Quartz, Countries can rescue the planet from meltdown and save money doing itGywnn Guilford


Scientific American, How to Clean Up the Global Economy to Combat Climate Change



Spanish-language media:

Agencia AFP, Felipe Calderón propone modelo económico con baja emisión de carbonoMariano Andrade


AP EspanolCalderón: crecimiento y clima pueden ir juntosClaudia Torrens


Agencia EFE, Calderón: oponer crecimiento económico al medio ambiente es un "falso dilema


German press:


Deutsche Welle, Proteger el clima vale la pena


Die Welt, Expertengruppe: Grüne Revolution ist bezahlbarLetzte Nachrichten


Die Zeit, Das PlussummenspielMarlies Uken


EPO, Klimaschutz ist Motor für die Wirtschaft


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Studie: Grünes Wachstum ist möglichAndreas Mihm


Frankfurter Rundschau, Mehr grünes Wachstum nötigJoachim Wille


Greenpeace Magazin, Bundesregierung muss endlich Weichen für Investitionen in grüne Infrastruktur stellen


Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wachstum und Klimaschutz vertragen sich dochMichael Bauchmüller



French press:

AFP, Une étude plaide pour une croissance sobre en carbone d'ici à 2030


Le Monde, La lutte contre le réchauffement n’est pas l’ennemie de la croissanceLaurence Caramel


La Tribune, Lutter contre le réchauffement climatique génèrerait de la croissance


AfriqueJet Actualites, UN report says technological changes lead to lower carbon emissions, economic growth


Les affaires, 10 choses à savoir mardiGaële Fontaine et Yannick Clérouin


BoursierLutte contre le changement climatique et gain de croissance, un duo gagnant ?Claire Lemaitre


Connaissance des Energies, The New Climate Economy Report


Journal de l’environnement, Planète terre, mode d’emploiValéry Laramée de Tannenberg



Swedish press:


AftonbladetÄntligen regnar det i StockholmEva Franchell


HDTillväxt eller miljö?Emil Schon


Miljöaktuellt, Expertrapport: Klimatinvesteringar höjer tillväxten


Ny Teknik, 10 punkter för att rädda klimatetMarie Alpman


Sveriges Radio, Tillväxt går att kombinera med klimatåtgärderMarie-Louise Kristola



EU press:


EurActiv, Fighting climate change needn’t cost growth and jobs, EU leaders toldJames Crisp


Independent European Daily Express, Tackling Climate Change and Promoting Development: A ‘Win-Win



Norwegian press:


Agder Flekkefjords Tidende, Klima + vekst = santSvein Løvland


Dagens Næringsliv, Venter stort tap av oljejobbeAnne Lindeberg


Dagens NæringslivGrønn økonomisk vekst er mulig for alle land, Anne Lindeberg


NRK, Ny rapport: Ti grep for å unngå klima-katastrofeGunn Evy Auestad


Rbnett, Klimakamp i flere omganger



Brazilian press:


Brazil Business Today, Technologies that could grow global economy and save planet, at no extra cost


Folha de Sao Paolo, Combater mudanca du clima favorece a economia, defende novo relatorioMarcelo Leite


Suinocultura Industrial, É viável crescer e combater mudança do clima, diz estudoMeio Ambiente



Indian press:


The Hindu, Time for action on climate


India Blooms, Economic growth possible even while tackling climate change, UN-backed report finds


LiveMint, Stronger economic growth and safer climate possible: reportNikita Mehta



Mexican press:


El Diario de Coahuila, Calderón: crecimiento y clima pueden ir juntos


Milenio, Calderón: economía y cuidado ambiental no se oponen



Canadian press:


Business News Network, Oil-reliant firms at risk as world moves toward low-carbon future: reportShawn McCarthy



Spanish press:


El Pais (Spain), La lucha contra el cambio climático puede ayudar a la economíaSandro Pozzi


Energias Renovables, Economic growth and action on climate change can be achieved togetherRobin Whitlock




Singaporean press:


Channel News Asia, Study urges 15-year plan for low carbon growth


The Independent, Economic Growth and Action on Climate Change can now be achieved together, finds Global Commission



Thai press:


Bangkok Post, NESDB considers climateChatrudee Theparat



Chinese Press:


China Daily, Climate change solutions 'won't hinder economic growthMu Chen


ECNS.com, Climate change solutions 'won't hinder economic growthQin Dexing


股市360股票网, [股市360]报告称经济增长与应对气候变化可实现双赢


中国新闻网, 报告称经济增长与应对气候变化可实现双赢-中新网


財經- 新浪網, 【 財經 】報告稱經濟增長與應對氣候變化可實現雙贏


新浪财经, 报告:经济增长与应对气候变化可实现双赢


搜狐-财经, 报告称经济增长与应对气候变化可实现双赢-搜狐财经



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