The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and its New Climate Economy project had one of the best months for pressing the momentum for a low-carbon future to media outlets around the world. This is thanks to the worldwide attention on COP21. Altogether, our coverage generated over 3,500 media articles in over 68 countries. Here are the highlights by country or region.
United Kingdom
BBC World Service - Climate Countdown: Big Business in Debate with Activists and Stakeholders
The Financial Times (US and Europe print editions), Cut Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Benefit Both Rich and Poor, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The Economist - Latin America Economies Should Show Leadership on Climate Negotiations, Felipe Calderón and Ricardo Lagos
Reuters - A La Carte Action on Climate Change, Bruce Wallace
The Guardian - Felipe Calderón: Developing Countries Should Not be Seen as Single Bloc at Climate Talks, Fiona Harvey
The Economist - Local Policies Can Combat Emissions Where International Ones Fall Short
Climate TV - Tackling Climate Change Doesn’t Mean Sacrificing Economic Growth: Felipe Calderón
United States
USA Today (print edition) - A low-carbon future, Felipe Caldeón
CNN International - Climate Change Deal Delayed in Paris
Associated Press – The latest: France: Final Climate Text Expected Within Hours
The Huffington Post - For Mayors, the “Road to Paris” began more than a decade ago, Eduardo Paes
Wired - At Paris Climate Talks, Negotiators Agree to Save the World, Nick Stockton
National Geographic - Historic New Climate Deal: Surprises, Snubs, and What it Really Means, Craig Welch
AFP - After Paris: Now what for world climate?, Mariette Le Roux
AFP - Lutter contre le réchauffement: Les forêts et l'agriculture, leviers puissants
The Indian Express - In Paris, A Chance to Lead, Naina Lal Kidwai
The Economic Times – Global carbon pricing off menu at Paris Climate Talks
Deccan Chronicle - Pollution Vs. Development, CB Ramkumar
The Nation - Nigeria needs off-grid solution to power problems – Okonjo- Iweala, Seun Akioye
The Nigerian Voice - Shaping Global and National Economies to Better Respond to Climate Challenges in Landscape, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Architect Africa - Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Just Said Africa Can Lead On Climate Change. Here’s how.
News Express - Okonjo-Iweala suggests ways to meet climate change challenges
African Development Bank - Green growth can turn Africa’s problems into opportunities, experts say
Spain and Latin America
El País - Felipe Calderón: “Es absurdo que se siga subsidiando la explotación petrolera,” Manuel Planelles
EFE - Así se forjó el acuerdo climático de París
EFE - El “”crecimiento verde”: ¿ilusión o realidad?
Enfoque - Focus 1st Edition
DPA - Talks and patience frayed at climate summit, but hopes remain high, Jessica Camille Aguirre
DPA - US congressional panel fires salvo on Paris climate talks, Pat Reber
Het Financieele Dagblad - Bedrijven moeten in Parijs een verschil kunnen maken, Paul Polman
The Globe and Mail - Negotiators toil past deadline to forge historic climate deal, Eric Reguly and Shawn McCarthy
Le Devoir - Quel avenir pour la croissance économique?
Hurriyet Daily News - Reinforce climate protection, create jobs, and improve competitiveness