In Vietnam, NCE continues providing technical support for various Ministries with their climate and green development ambitions under WRI's Climate, Economics and Finance Programme, adopting NCE’s theory of change for our country-level work. This work has primarily involved assisting the Ministry of Planning and Investment with evaluating the socioeconomic impacts of the Green Growth Action Strategy 2021-2030 using Green Economy Models (GEMs) and building the capacity of local partners to use this model to understand how to align cross-economy models with sector-specific models and projections.

With the Ecology and Environment Institute, NCE led a pilot study on the impacts Provincial Green Growth Action Plans (PGGAPs) in the provinces of Lam Dong, Quang Ninh, and Ben Tre in 2021. This work expanded to several other provinces, with NCE continuously supporting provincial governments in informing their respective draft PGGAPs, to be submitted and approved by the Prime Minister by the end of 2023. NCE held several workshops and discussions with MPI to determine avenues to feed the results of the analysis into Vietnam’s forthcoming Socio-Economic Development Plans toward 2030 and beyond. 

NCE has also offered technical assistance to the Viet Nam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (IMHEN) – the agency responsible for the analysis and drafting of the country’s climate change strategies under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. With the development of the national GEM for Vietnam, NCE demonstrated to IMHEN the potential impacts on economic growth that would result from implementing the interventions under the national Climate Change Strategy, including adaptation efforts. Unique to the Vietnam country program, the modelling has piloted integrating a microeconomic distributional impact analysis to further disaggregate national-level labour-related results. NCE is working with IMHEN to be able to utilize and own the GEM to inform their implementation strategy to further guide the country toward their announced pledge of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. 

Additionally, NCE continues to collaborate with the Danish Energy Agency to build robust energy system substructures that would provide socioeconomic outcomes for their Energy Outlook Reports under the Danish Energy Partnership Programme. Other avenues, such as a Blue Economy assessment of offshore wind in Vietnam and an evaluation of energy efficiency laws, are underway for the NCE-Danish partnership. 

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