Using data analysis and modelling, NCE’s goal in Mexico is to demonstrate that low-carbon, climate-resilient growth is the best way to achieve critical economic and social benefits while safeguarding the environment. NCE is working to establish an advisory committee to help guide our work to enhance social and development prospects, promote climate action, and ensure a low-carbon, resilient, and just transition. Along with WRI Mexico, NCE seeks to communicate a robust narrative, built around the need to urgently incorporate climate action into Mexico’s policy planning and development processes.

The implementation plan involves crafting an evidence-based narrative, backed by strong arguments. This narrative will speak to current socioeconomic concerns in Mexico, showcasing how they can be addressed through enhanced climate action. Engagement with a group of experts and well-connected, influential people are key to building capacity and expanding the reach of these efforts. The goal of NCE’s work is to lead the adoption of a new Nationally Determined Contribution in Mexico, as well as a long-term climate strategy aligned with the Paris Agreement. Ideally, Mexican officials will prioritize climate action and set more ambitious goals, with a focus on achieving net zero emissions, and realizing the social and economic gains that accompany climate action.

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