Mr. Jamshyd N. Godrej is the Chairman of the Board of Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology.
Mr. Godrej is the former Chairman of Anata Aspen Centre (previously known as Aspen Institute India), Chairman & Trustee of Anata Centre. He is also the President of World Wide Fund for Nature - India, and Chairperson of the Board of Directros of Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, India Resources Trust and Council on Energy, Environment and Water. Mr. Godrej is on the Board of World Resources Institute, and is a trustee of the Asia Society, a member of Toyota Motor's Global Advisory Board and Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Committee. He is also the past President of Confederation of Indian Industry and past President of the Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association.
Mr. Godrej is the Chairman of the CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre. The Centre is housed in a LEED Platinum demonstration building which is the first green building in India and the greenest building in the world at the time when it was rated. The Green Business Centre is a Centre of Excellence for green buildings, energy efficiency, energy conservation, non-conventional energy sources, water policy, water conservation, etc.
Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. manufactures and markets refigerators; washing machines; air conditioners; office furniture; home furniture; security equipment for banks and for commercial establishments and homes; locks and latches; forklift trucks and warehousing equipment; process equipment for chemical, petrochemical, refineries and allied industries; precision tools for sheet metal, zinc and aluminum; and real estate development. The Godrej group are leaders in home appliances, consumer durables, office equipment, industrial products, consumer products and services.
The President of India conferred on Mr. Godrej the "Padma Bushan" on 3rd April 2003.